Use Cases for the Pilvi™ Product
Pilvi™ is an online sales automation platform for services. It is adaptable for a variety of uses: Cloud services, SaaS products, IoT solutions or other continuous services – the online sale of all of these are made possible with the Pilvi™ platform. We’ve put together a number of different use cases, some of which are direct customer implementations and some are concept-level plans.
A Start-up’s online sales and recurring billing
A newly established Start-up wants to quickly get its product on sale and focus its own resources on the development of their own product. The product is nearly ready and their website and productization have been preliminarily planned out. The company may be somewhat uncertain about how to package and price and has some initial concerns on how to carry out billing online.

Automating a SaaS companies reseller channel
A SaaS company wishes to streamline customer and dealer management by bringing all dealers into the same sales channel to begin conducting direct sales to end-users. The goal is to get rid of the manual work stages which arise from orders happening through resellers. A company can count on large monthly savings through getting rid of errors taking place in sales, administration, and billing.
An open webstore for services for a Hosting Company
A hosting company has a strong position in certain product segments where order automation has already been implemented through in-house methods. The basic business functions work well, but growth has slowed or is moderate. A company can redirect its order channel to one online sales portal and thus increase the supply of both existing and new customers.

Digital maturity assessment for a Telco
A Telco notices a change in the market towards service sales automation. The company is unsure of their readiness and maturity in launching online sales and wants to find out both the company’s position and digital maturity index.